May 8, 2024

Midweek Mention... Trainspotting

Midweek Mention... Trainspotting

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Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review, where today we're diving deep into the gritty and provocative world of Trainspotting (1996). Directed by Danny Boyle and based on the novel by Irvine Welsh, this film has left an indelible mark on the landscape of British cinema, offering a raw and unflinching look at the lives of a group of heroin addicts in Edinburgh.

Trainspotting doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of addiction. Set against the backdrop of Edinburgh's less glamorous side, the film combines dark humour with stark social commentary, capturing the highs and lows of heroin use through the eyes of its protagonist, Mark Renton (played brilliantly by Ewan McGregor).

The narrative follows Renton and his group of friends as they navigate the exhilarating yet perilous world of drug addiction. The film is structured around Renton’s attempts to get clean, relapses, and interactions with the darker sides of Edinburgh's drug scene. It’s known for its iconic opening scene with Renton's Choose Life monologue, which sets the tone for the film's blend of cynicism, defiance, and black comedy.

The film explores deep themes of escapism, the search for identity, and the consequences of life choices. It examines how the characters use drugs as a means to escape their mundane and unfulfilling lives, yet also portrays the devastating physical and emotional toll of addiction.

Trainspotting remains a must-watch for its fearless storytelling, superb performances, and its status as a pivotal work in the world of cinema. It's a film that manages to be both entertaining and thought-provoking, leaving viewers with plenty to ponder long after it ends.

So, whether you’re revisiting this '90s classic or experiencing its raw power for the first time, join us on Bad Dads Film Review as we tackle the highs and lows of Trainspotting.

This is not just a film review; it’s a look at how cinema can confront and capture the complexities of real life. 🎬💉👨‍👧‍👦🍿

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Until next time, we remain...

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Pete: La la la la la la I haven't got one of those, oh yes I have. I don't know what they do but

I can't remember what it was. It was something to do with it's a thin and crusty, the, these Are incroyable

Would you like one

Dan: No,

Pete: Oh they're so good

Sidey: We were hoping for lots of Dan's Scottish accent content this week.

Dan: Dan's No here

Pete: in stud, he have knees.

Dan: Aye. Yeah. Danny, can he make it tonight?

Instead he have me.

Sidey: and you are? good. This is the start of Scottish Week brought to you by UP and we're kicking things off in a

Dan: yeah.

Kicking off of this,

Sidey: in a probably quite laboured affair with trainspotting

Pete: trainspotting.

Sidey: from way back in 1996.

Pete: Yeah, I mean, it wasn't originally my first pick for the midweek. My first pick was Braveheart, which I've never seen.

And then I saw it was three hours long and I just really didn't have the, like, the stomach for that. So, one day someone, well, they'll just have to tell me all about Braveheart. But, for the time, for the time being yeah, Trainspotting. Which Whilst I was watching, I remember thinking, I probably hadn't seen this film for coming up 20 years,

Sidey: Same, yeah, yeah. I the cinema when it came out, and I probably saw it one or two times after that, but it's been a long old while. Then I had forgotten quite a lot of the detail

Pete: Yeah, like, I sort of remembered clearly the sort of, the plot, and obviously the themes are quite, you know.

Dan: And the characters, I mean, they're really great

Pete: the characters as well.

Sidey: This was, you know, ubiquitous at the time. Like, I went to university just after this would have finished at Cinemark. Everyone had the poster on the wall, the soundtrack was

Dan: Everyone's on

Sidey: I think everyone got into Underworld off the back of, like, Born Slipping or that.

Pete: That, that was, that was huge in

Sidey: It's bigger than that.


Dan: I last watched this I think around the time T2

came out.

Pete: Terminator 2. Yeah. Yeah. And

Dan: they went for the same name. Yeah, but so I'd it was around that time. I'd I'd rewatched train spotting So that was the last time that must be getting on for seven eight years ago at least

Pete: Yeah.

Dan: that they did the

Train spotting to

Sidey: 2.

Oh right, okay, yeah, yeah. I didn't finish that film, I thought it was shit.

Dan: It wasn't, well, I think this, this was just a, a, a cultural phenomenon, wasn't it? Yes. I mean, it just came through and any sequel, as you know, is gonna struggle to live

Sidey: I think it was just okay and I had to pause it or stop for some reason. I just never went back to it.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Pete: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Like, it, it, it never hit the heights of this. Nowhere near the heights of this film hit.


Sidey: one, it kicks off in memorable fashion, doesn't it? With Iggy Pop. Yeah. Lost for life. That sort of memorable drum intro kind of thing with them. Yeah. The crew the main characters legging it down the street and we're kind of introduced to them in a freeze frame with their name comes up and they're all paused and kind of

Dan: and even this was so kind of cool at the time and 'cause obviously Renton he runs into like a car and, and you

Sidey: over the bonnet. Yeah,

Dan: face kind of smiling, laughing and you think, God, this is, you know, it's got your buddy edge of the seat straight away.


Pete: it's, it's got a Ewan McGregor voiceover

Sidey: doing the choose

Pete: telling you to choose

Sidey: Yeah. Choose a big television, all that

Pete: of, lots and lots of stuff. Yeah.

Sidey: And then as the The dialogue continues he just says that we fucking on they're all on heroin it just goes straight into it and there's a kind of bit of him Falling over or sort of leaning back as he's just taken a hit of heroin. And they're at the mother superior's gaff

Pete: Oh yeah. It,

Sidey: all looks fairly horrific.


Dan: Yeah, Mother Superior's

Sidey: that dealer Yeah

Dan: just like the skag den of all skag dens.

Pete: It's absolutely horrendous, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah.

Dan: But they like it.

Pete: I know. And the thing is, it's like the, the film is jarring in that sense that it just like jumps straight into the, the sort of like, really kind of like in your face, like

Dan: sharp end of the needle

Pete: it, it pretty much is, it's like a,

Sidey: well, I think it

Pete: dot of how to take heroin

Sidey: I mean, it starts off it's sick boy.

He's doing his chat about James Bond and Sean Connery in particular. He's injecting his girlfriend. Yeah. They've, spuds just had a go. He's like all over the place. And re's in the other room. And so, so straight away you're just thrown into this, this scene of like, just

Pete: And you see early on there's a little baby sort of like crawling around as well in this, in this absolute, like, smack den, hideous, like, setting.

Dan: And they're sort of sitting down like they're sitting down for a fine course meal or something,

Pete: go through that, yeah. You know, they've

Dan: that kind of, you know, oh.

Sidey: painting the picture that they're they're happy, they're fine. They've chosen this is a, you know, a conscious decision and they feel like this is the better path than everyone else is just in their

Dan: choosing a big tv

Sidey: blah, blah.


Dan: shit. They don't

Pete: And as well, it sort of early on suggests that they believe that they're in control of the habit as well. Because it suggests that, well, Rentboy's already said that, you know, he's knocked it on the head a couple of times and he's going to do it again.

So, you know, we see that unfold.

Sidey: There's two others in the gang, isn't there?

There's Tommy, who's the relatively clean living one. I think he just does a bit of speed. Yeah.

Pete: Yeah.

Sidey: Begbie, the fucking lunatic alcoholic, played by Robert Carlyle. Yeah.

Pete: I don't think I'd seen Robert Carlyle in anything before

Sidey: This is one of the first times I've seen him as well.

Pete: And it's an absolute powerhouse of a performance. I mean, he was fucking terrified. Like, the thing is, we know, we don't know people exactly like this, but we know of people or people who are similar to this where, you know, just like the scene where they're set up on a balcony inside a pub and chucking a pint glass over the, over the balcony that then smashes in a girl's, on a girl's head.

Dan: that's it. Blindly go.

Pete: then coming down and it's like, it's like,

Dan: Near cunt leaves this place, till we find out. And he's just, yeah, straight into a

Sidey: And that's another voiceover, isn't it? Because Brent says he's got his own sensory addiction. He just loves a

Pete: Violence. Yeah. Yeah. He, he will, he will just go into a completely normal sort of scenario and start like strike up fights and, and cause violence.

Dan: Hamish sch McBeth he was in

Sidey: Yes.

it was like a nicey nicey detective with a

Dan: right. A, a television.

Sidey: said he played Begbie as a closeted homosexual. And then Elvin Welch came out and said, yeah, that was, that's actually correct. That's how he envisioned him when he wrote

Pete: when he wrote it. Right, yeah, so it's all the frustration and anger at what he's like. Yeah, because you never see any kind of like, sort of, night. with

Sidey: a girl.

Pete: Oh, right. Yeah. His rage comes from

Sidey: his rage comes from his I'm not able to

Pete: because he has an encounter with a

Sidey: yeah.

Pete: A,

Sidey: A trans

Pete: a chick with a dick. Yeah. Later on.

Sidey: so so we meet all the gang and then like you say, Renton decides he's had enough for the time being. He's gonna try and get off it and he's got a plan. A very very methodical plan. He sets out all this stuff on the table, isn't it? Something like 10 tins of tomato soup, 8 tins of mushroom soup to be consumed cold, bucket for piss, bucket for shit, bucket for puke pornography, and some other bits and bobs, oh, milk and magnesium, what have you.

But it's like, but first, he's actually hammered the door like, You know, like planks of wood across the dress. They can't get out. And it's like, I need to have a hit first. So they come straight off, goes out, goes to the oven. Well, she's like, I've got some suppositories. That's all I've got. So this is like one of the famous scenes where he sticks them up his ass. But now he's got the shits. Has to find a toilet and he says, you know, I'm picturing like a fucking pristine, you know, porcelain throne, whatever But he goes into this book. He's and it's absolutely horrific. I mean,

Dan: Worst toilet in

Pete: absolutely rickety and it's worse than a toilet. The suppositories

Sidey: And obviously the suppositories are no longer where they once were no and he's got to go and


Pete: and get them.

Sidey: I don't fully understand what happens here because

he obviously Is

as shown on the screen, he goes into the toilet and swims down into this, you know, underwater. Obviously he doesn't do that, but when he goes back to his apartment, he is completely soaking wet.

So I wasn't sure exactly what had gone

Pete: on. I'm not sure what it's sort of like meant to signify.

Yeah, it is. It's interesting. I remember that. I think I remember watching it the first time and just being like so horrified by like, you know, when he pulls up, he's got like shit all up his arm and

Sidey: stuff. And

Pete: just

being like so horrified by how like real and graphic the scene is to even consider like what the fuck he's actually doing, like swimming down. And like I say, what it's meant to signify. I've no idea. And he finds the suppositories, but they're

Sidey: They've gone huge.

Pete: Yeah. It is, it's a, it's a strange old scene.

Really Well done. But

Dan: Yeah, I always thought it was a bit of him, you know, just in that heroin kind of fog and the sweating and you know, he's just a low point, isn't it?

He's in the fucking worst toilet, he's putting his hand down there, he's wet, it's fucking, you know, it's just a low, low point.

Pete: Yeah.

Dan: We've all been there.

Pete: Yes, he then goes he then goes to meet sick boy in the in the park and they, and they like hilariously, like, shoot

Dan: Oh, money penny. Yeah. He savages somebody.

Pete: See the beast.

Yeah, the dog turns on its owner,

and starts biting him. So I guess they're just trying to find ways of keeping themselves occupied whilst they're

Sidey: yeah. He then goes to meet Tommy Tommy's working out and telling him this story about beg be playing pool and how he was, he was really hung over.

He wasn't playing well. And he was trying to throw the game for him. And Begbie's, yeah, it

Dan: telling that story, Rantan's going through his

Sidey: And whilst he's telling that story, Renton's going through his video collection and he finds a homemade sex tape of Tommy and Lizzie and swaps that out.

Which is hilarious but has really

Dan: Yeah, far reaching

Pete: Yeah, yeah, if you think of like the, like the, the cycle or the, you know,

Dan: Tommy, yeah.

Sidey: he's he puts it into the hundred great greatest goals,

Pete: Which is a great video,

Sidey: says, can I, can I borrow this? Yeah, fine. Finishes telling the story about Begbie about how he was taking this one shot to pot the black and some guy opens a bag of crisps and he misses the pot and then just blames this guy and fucking

brutally, brutally assaults him.

Pete: isn't he now on

As well as that, you've got a scene where they where Spud goes to a job interview, like absolutely f ed on speed. Which is just like an

Dan: Aye, are we dab or not?

Pete: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dan: is he sort of trying

Sidey: If he doesn't try hard enough, they'll tell the Dole office that he's, that he's just

Dan: He hasn't tried or he

Pete: So

Sidey: so he won't get any

Pete: he goes the other way and he's incredibly

Dan: Yeah. He's like, Hey leisure for people's pleasure. Yeah.

Pete: You know,

Dan: And his enthusiasm just does it gets it probably right. Cause he scares off the interviewers who clearly don't want anybody that excited to be working with them.

Sidey: Yeah. So everything at the moment is kind of like happy go lucky, you know, obviously like it's fairly grim.

They're junkies, but nothing like that on towards happened just yet. Apart from the savage beatings, they go out to a nightclub though. Now And renter now that he's off the gear, he's like, my libido's come back fucking really horny. And he's just looking around. Everyone else is getting off and he is just stood on his own.

So he makes his way around the club and God's just looking at him like, no, go away. But he does have a, a chance encounter with Kelly McDonald. Yeah. As what was her name? Diane. Diane. And she. Like, deals with some guy that's trying to crack on to her and he's quite impressed with that. And so he goes out and she fucking tears and strips off him.

But, but still is like, well, you know.

Pete: Yeah. Leaves the cab door

Dan: Are you coming or no?

Sidey: The taxi driver's like, go on, are you getting in or what? So they go back and have sex. Uh, Which is dick. In this, in this bit of the film we see, we see two lots of dick.

Pete: Yeah, there's,

there's, there's, dick,

Sidey: Yeah,

Pete: Yeah. There's a bit of all sorts of like the whole film was like far more kind of like, I don't know if I've watched a version like more like the one that I watched for this for this, for this Podcasts that was like not censored or whatever compared with like what

Sidey: I think it was always like, this

Pete: but was all of this

Sidey: It was always like this.

Yeah. So I wasn't really sure what the, what the setup was in her gaff 'cause.


says to him, you can't stay in my room, you fucking sleep on the couch in the hallway if you want, but you know. And he says, okay, fine. I mean, it's like, it's still a lot better than what he slept in previously, I'd imagine.

And then the morning he goes into the dining room, whatever it is, and there's a couple there. And he says, are you her flatmates? And they laugh. And she walks in in her school uniform and she's 14. So he's absolutely mortified. But I don't know cause there was other people that seemed to be just walking around.

They ran a guest house or something.

Pete: to be just

Sidey: Yeah, there was. Because they laugh and say, no, we're,

Pete: flatmates,

Dan: you're flatmates,


Sidey: basically has to walk out of school. It's a whole new walk of shame. He's

Pete: And he's talking about, like, he's going to go to prison you know, and he's going to get raped

Sidey: and everything

Pete: and everything like that.

And then eventually he was like, look, I can't see you again. She's like, if you don't see me again, I'll tell the police. So he's like, for fuck's sake. So now he's he's stuck. Yep.

 Yeah, relapse is, is on the horizon for, for all of them really.

Sidey: Well, Tommy, Tommy and Lizzie go back after the nightclub, don't they?

They go back to have sex.

Pete: Oh, and they want to

Sidey: and she says, put on that, put on the tape, I wanna watch us while we have sex. Yeah. And he's like,

Pete: Hundred greatest goals.

Sidey: find it. And so they have a meltdown, and ultimately that relationship ends.

Which kickstart

starts a, a pretty grim, like

Pete: yeah, it's like journey for, for Tommy. So basically he's, he's all like, he's obviously around heroin all the time 'cause of his, 'cause his friends. But he's, he's never,

Sidey: he's

Pete: he's always abstained, but he says that I'm a grownup. I can do what I want and I wanna see what all the fuss about,

Sidey: Renton's back on it he's, he's decided to get back on it, and

Dan: sick boy just gets back on it to show how easy it is he can. This

Sidey: they explain how they're able to do it and what, because they say it's not easy living like this, you know, this is a full time job and it shows all the criminal activities, there's stealing prescription books, they're robbing this, that and the other, and this is where it now cuts back to the intro scene where they're running down the street sick boy just hides in a doorway and gets away with it, but Renton gets over the bonnet of a car and picked up there and Spud's also lifted, so they end up in court.

But Renton has signed himself up for a drug rehabilitation program which cuts him some favors with the

Pete: Yeah, he only gets a suspended

Sidey: Spud goes in, I think he does six months. So they're in the pub celebrating awful, once mum walks in and fucking Begbie just gives her an absolute dressing down, it's really awful.

Says it's her fault and all this, you're like, oh Jesus. But this Renton disappears off to London for a little while to work as a letting agent.

Pete: Well, before he goes, there's a fairly horrendous and pivotal

Sidey: that, is that where that is, yeah.

Pete: yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, there's, because they're back on the junk again and you know, they're all fucking, and this is a, it's a, it's a horrendous scene, like absolutely horrific.

And yeah, I guess kind of like the inevitable happens where

Sidey: well, it cuts to the the. The crack down that they're always in. Yeah. And it's just screaming.

Pete: Yeah, that's it. Like, you see sort of like Renton and then, like, she, this girl, Lizzie, isn't it? No, is that Lizzie? No, that's, that's Tommy's thingy. Dawn. Oh, no, Dawn's the daughter. So, anyway, Allison. Allison, Sick Boy's girlfriend. She's just like screaming, but you can't see her. And then, You know, and at one point and like spuds kind of like curled up in the fetal position of the chair going like, Oh, no, stop screaming.

It will be all right. He doesn't even know what they're like, what she's screaming about. But she's Yeah, yeah, she's completely you know, traumatized. And you realize that yeah, dawn, the baby is passed away through negligence. Really? It's just

Dan: yeah, they were fucked on drugs. Yeah. Yeah.

Sidey: minging.

So he goes, Yes. Renton just goes straight away and takes more drugs.

Pete: Yeah, that's the thing like that. That's the most jarring part of the scene really is the fact that this, this horrific thing has happened. And he just goes, I, I, I need to cook up a like a dose or whatever it, like whatever phrase he uses. Just walks straight past this, this woman who's just like lost her child, who's fucking a howling.

And I and he just sits down and starts, you know, cooking up a batch for them to like, for him to inject. And no sooner has he started doing it, then the mother, like, pretty much stops screaming and turns around and goes, Oh, yeah, okay, like, sort a hit out for me as well, please. I mean, you can understand, obviously, she wants to, like, kind of, like, stop that feeling and, and numb the pain and everything like that, but you just can't believe that the thing that, that has caused the death of

Dan: the level of addiction, isn't it?

Pete: the thing that they just immediately just jump straight back into.

Sidey: the voiceover. He's explained that they don't really, no one's ever really known who the father is. Yeah. That sort of implied that she's just gone around the group, you know?

But then he says, oh, you. I think with that day we figured out who the father was because sick boys like starts to fucking howl. He's Okay, right so there's that and he does like at this point renton. He does he has a an overdose doesn't he? Shortly thereafter.

Pete: Yeah. Yeah yeah,

And the well, this is, and the mother superior just like calls a taxi, dumps him in the taxi sticks like 20 quid in the, in his top pocket.

And the taxi driver takes him to the the hospital, dumps him on the pavement outside, takes the money outta the pocket, and then they come in like the, the, you know, nurses and people come out and, and take 'em in. But that's when the parents effectively have an intervention and they're like, what's his name?

Mormont. I've forgotten, like, if the guy from Game of Thrones, a big, like, bear like guy, who's, who's Renton's dad, isn't it? So yeah, they put him in his room.

Sidey: They get the horrific scene,

Pete: yeah, they got the lock on the door, and then this is him, like, you know, going cold turkey there. So, like, no methadone, no anything.

You're just gonna, like, fucking ride this out,

Dan: it out.

Pete: which I don't think is necessarily, like, the, the way it's meant to be done, but it's gonna be, it's like the sledgehammer

Sidey: the methadone hasn't it that's what got him into the overdose because it wasn't good enough for the meth then so That's where he

Pete: yeah,

Sidey: OD'd.

So yeah, he does that but it does In the film do the trick and this is where he disappears off to london for a little while working as a letting agent and it's all going all right, and he's corresponding with It's

Pete: Diane.

Dan: Dianne,

Sidey: She's writing him letters, letting him know what's going on back home.

And one of the letters she said Begbie's on the run. He he did

Pete: a Armed robbery.

Sidey: an armed

Dan: robbery with a fucking replica

Sidey: he, he just, there's a knock on the door and he just looks at the letter and it goes, and it's just her voice again going, Begbie. And he's like, Oh fuck.

Dan: yeah,

Sidey: And he's at the door, tracked him down and he needs somewhere to lay low for a little while.

And it's

Dan: Meat to meat, no?

Sidey: this guy's not a mate, he's an absolute cunt.

Pete: I can't do it! And you


Dan: can't fucking do it, can I? You know, and you know you're in fucking cahoots here with an absolute psycho whose

lid will just

Pete: psycho.

He's, he's like, tries showing himself as like, virtuous because he doesn't touch heroin. Like, almost like, these guys

Dan: But he's the worst one of the lot.

Pete: But he is the worst of the, of the group. He just, like, just happens to not stick a needle in his arm. But, and then, oh, and Sick Boy comes down as well. He

Sidey: He's turned himself into a pimp and and a wannabe kind of drug dealer, isn't he? So they're hiding out and it's eventually it gets so much that Renton, there's been a couple of scenes of this apartment or

Dan: he can't let it,

Sidey: can't shift. So, he lets them go and bunk in there and they just jump out and attack two people that are there to see it.

Just absolute hooligans. Just the worst.

Dan: worst.

Pete: cost Renton his job. Yeah. Previously, before we left to go to London, we, there was a scene where Renton had gone to visit Tommy because they'd all, as part of his like intervention type thing and in his recovery and rehab and everything, he gets tested for HIV and, and Resons clean.

But he goes back in the fucking, you know, the. It's a twisted irony that Tommy was the one who'd used the least and had only kind of like gotten it and spiraled out of control after this situation that rented it effectively caused with the, with the, with the videotape and it turns out Tommy is now contracted HIV just to add to his,

Sidey: Yeah, he's looking good as well. He's really, yeah, it's like why I imagine this like just a mattress, a couple of candles and stuff. It's absolutely barren.

Dan: you got, you got some money for a hit there. Have you? And he's like, yeah, sure. No, it's like, and he gives him the money because he'd been in that position before, but it was fucking awful. And he might've even felt a twinge of guilt for for it all.

But yeah.

Pete: yeah. Yeah. But anyway, so, they, they have to leave, well, they leave London, but like you said before Dan, there's the, you know, they're presented with an opportunity to, to basically buy some, like, decent smack for, what, four grand is it?

I think they've got two grand, they need another

Dan: Yeah.

Mikey Forrester has which is just like, you meet actually in Trainspotting 2, I think Mikey Forrester, but he was just like a name of Russian sailors.


not fucking having this, but they're all into it. They're like, look, this is a really good deal. We think this is going and he gets talked into it and they have to go and do this big deal.

Pete: Yeah, so it's, it's four grand that Renton has to put up two grand of it. And he first of all, he denies that he's got that money. It begged me. He's like, I've seen your fucking bank statement. You got 2, 113 pounds.

So you've got the money. So obviously he knows he's, he's got to chuck his, his part in. And then they, they do the deal in and it's, Keith Allen, isn't it? It's

Dan: Yeah.

Sidey: some people posit this idea that Keith Allen in Shadowgrave is, is the same character and

Pete: right. Okay.

Sidey: because

Dan: Oh, to,

Sidey: just, yeah, just

Dan: bring it all together.

Pete: Yeah. Same universe. Yeah. Yeah. So

Sidey: He's immediately on to them as being like just a bunch of chances Somehow happened upon, probably stolen

Pete: exactly. And a big B goes big and it's like, ah, we want 20 grand for it.

Sidey: He just laughs

Pete: And, you know, they start off he's like, well, I'm not paying you more than 15. And then Begbie's like, like, what, 19? He's like, no. And he's like, 16? He's like, yeah, alright then. So, and then you think, I, you know, I, I didn't remember this scene initially for, you know, because it had been a while since I'd watched it, and I thought, fuck, something's gonna go off or whatever.

But it actually just passes, like, pretty, sort of, painlessly.

Dan: the deal

Pete: get, they get the money. And they celebrate by going to the pub. They've got one of those old school head bags, like, tennis,

Sidey: had one of

Pete: Yeah, they're amazing. They're, yeah.

Dan: That's right. He goes 16 fucking grand. It is then gentlemen and they're off. Yeah, and And life's good again

Sidey: Pints, time for

Pete: Ah, but like as,

Sidey: Begbie just cannot go, like, a day without violence.

Pete: take him anywhere. He is a menace, isn't he? So what is it someone just like nudges

Sidey: No, he's a prick to them. He walks to the bar, you know, in a direct line straight at them to make people move out of his way. And then when he's carrying four pints back to table, he again walks through them and just clips one of the guys and spills some beer, which he obviously accepts with good grace.

Yeah, not so much.

Pete: No, no. So he drops three of the pints and glasses the

Sidey: First of all, he's the guy says I was just an accident. There were tries to reason with him and Begbie just keeps going on and on. And the guy says, look, if you can't handle your fucking beer, then fuck off. And you're like, Oh no,

Dan: oh no. This is Begbie, you can't say that to


Pete: in the

Sidey: he glasses him in the throat. I think he gets him and then he just fucking shoes him while he's on

Pete: he just fucking shoos


Sidey: oh, yeah,

Pete: But as he reaches back to stab the guy, he catches Spud in the hand, his hand, tell me sorry, Spud's put his hand out to stop him from doing it, and he catches him on the hand, Spud's like, obviously goes into like a massive overreaction about his hand and so on. Just before they, whilst they're sat at the table, there's, there's an intimation and they're all talking about.

Because even though they've got this 16 grand and they've kind of all like pitched in together to get it There's a suggestion from all from all of them that they're all thinking about Either the others running off with the money or them themselves running off for the money So

Sidey: no honor amongst thieves

Pete: and whilst you know so like sick boy gets up and say when I get back the money you better not fucked up for the money and then Begbie says the same and Then Renton says to Spud, like, you know, shall we?

Like, do you Spud's like, fucking no chance. I mean, you just know, like, you see what Begbie does to somebody who just, like, brushes his arm in

Dan: too scared.

Pete: But it's on everybody's mind. But then, yeah, they go, they go back, stay in, in a, in a flat and

Sidey: Redden does do it. Yeah. it just gets

Dan: gets up early in the morning. They've all had beers, beers, beers. And he's up.

Pete: he looks like he hasn't

Dan: Yeah.

Pete: sort of thing.


Dan: He's probably woke up and been thinking about it and the money's there. The headbags there.

Sidey: there. Beckley's sleeping.

Pete: well, baby's sleeping with it,

He's spooning

Sidey: just got

Dan: just got to pull it out from, from his, his hands there. Step over. A couple of bodies on the floor and open the door. And as he does

Sidey: the ultimate game of buckaroo, isn't it?

Like trying to move,

Pete: buckaroo isn't it?

Yeah Yeah, like with the most severe consequences you can

Dan: And it, it's, it's only spud that wakes up and he looks at him

Pete: head

Dan: they just ca they just catch his eye and he knows what he's doing, but he's not gonna call him out and he's not gonna come with

Pete: Well that was it, like at first I thought, oh is he shaking his head like don't do it But I think he, I think because Renton's like looking at him almost to suggest like fucking come with me And Spud's like, no, like shaking his head.

No, he's not going to be part of it. I mean, obviously it's his pal, but he's, he's just going to watch him walk out the door with the money.

Dan: Yeah, he's, he's not really Yeah. Bothered about the money. I mean, he, he's, he's got a sweet heart, hasn't he? Bud as,

Sidey: just a bit daft, ain't

Dan: He is big dafty. So. Yeah, without any surprises Begbie's losing his shit and the police are called because the hotel

Sidey: just tearing it to the ground, isn't he?

Dan: yeah, well sick boy and spud are just waiting outside while he's fucking

Pete: yeah,

You trash in the room.

Dan: the room to parts.

And as soon as they see the cops, they're off down the corridor. And you imagine Begbie's about to go inside for a long

Sidey: then he gets his choose life. I chose life. He finishes it off nice. Brings the circle back round. And he's off

Pete: not not before he leaves. Spuds foreground

Sidey: you get

Pete: a locker for him,

Sidey: in a in a left left luggage thing.

He leaves foreground for for spud.

Dan: And he fucks off to Amsterdam, as we find out later on. But yeah, he's chose.

Pete: yeah fucking I mean it's it's still as good today

Dan: it still stands

Pete: all those years ago still really fucking like hard hitting but like not not in like a Gratuitous way or you know in that it's it's not for effect. It's like these are You know, I don't, you know, I don't think they're necessarily based on real people, but there are people, there are Begbie's, there are Renton's, there are spuds and sick, but you know, there are real people like this and, and it's a, you know, an incredible kind of like portrayal into that world of like, you know, crime and drugs and poverty and, and, you know, in, in, like, in sort of modern times where, and, and it's still is relevant.

Now as a, as a, as it was then

Dan: Great fucking soundtrack.

Pete: brilliant soundtrack. Yeah, I mean, it's got, it's got, it's got a load of stuff in it that you'll probably know more about this side than to me, but it's got a load of sort of like gimmicky type stuff in it, the running at the beginning and introducing the characters with the music playing and the voiceover and

Sidey: and everything

Pete: You've seen it a million times now, but I don't know if, if this was kind of like the first, sort of, it seemed like it broke a lot of new ground in, in terms of how it was kind


Sidey: Well,

Pete: put together and

Sidey: don't know necessarily It's just it it was you know, british cast This is around the time of brit pop and cool britannia and all that shit.

Everyone thought the fucking brits were the best and you know, it's english british That's sacrilege. Um You know, it's Danny Boyle, all the cast Jocks Ewan McGregor was like fucking massive around this time as well after this and then he was, he did the Star Wars films. That was 99, I think, if I remember.

So, that was all,

Dan: Well, and loads of people did films after this that were so influenced by this, you could tell by either characters

Pete: it's probably worth saying i don't know no spoilers or anything but the film we're going to review for the main feature or so you wonder what that would have been like had train spotting never existed it's like it just seeps through Like, you know, that kind of

Sidey: it only cost one and a half million pounds to make.

Pete: Yeah.

what you can put together for

Sidey: wouldn't be able to license a

Pete: lose money, or make Yeah.

Sidey: I mean, it's a box office tape was 16.

Pete: I guess it's quite sort of niche, but it will have a cult following that will just go on

Sidey: there was loads of chat then around this time because you had like Hera and Sheik and all that stuff about people being really skinny and then people saying it was glamorizing drug taking.

If you watch this film and you think that it's. fucking glamorous. You've watched a


Pete: you watch this film and you think that it's fucking glamorous, then you've watched a different film.

Sidey: to be aspirational.

Dan: It's, it's, it is got, you know, brutal humor, dark humor.

It's, it, it is a funny film. And it, and it has some absolutely unfunny moments as well where you're just like, oh my God, that is so, so grim. But, you know, it's, I don't know, like the Scottish Pulp Fiction or something, you know, whatever it is. It's just, there's so many, so many characters. There's so much great about this film that I think in another 10, 20 years, it will still be a great

Pete: Oh,

absolutely. The only thing that's sort of like Not leaves me so conflicted It's just I still don't know all these years later like how I feel about like you and McGregor's character because he's kind of like the antihero and he sort of walks away and you know at the end of It with the money and and like he's come out on top and for you know And for some reason I feel like you are what you warm to him, right?

And I don't speak for you guys, but I did in in us in a certain way or whatever But he's a, he's a fuckin arsehole, you know, if you think like, he's ultimately responsible, what he did is ultimately responsible for Tommy's demise. You know, he's

Sidey: say when he's walking off, he says, I'm not, I'm not a nice person. I've done terrible things.

Pete: He has done. Yeah, there are quite a few instances throughout that where he's I incredibly said I don't mean I know a lot of it is driven by the by the heroine and so on and the desperation But yeah, and yeah, I still kind of you feel we certainly root for him more than you do Begbie Like not as much as you do spud you know He got his little payday and all of this stuff and you know But yeah.

Dan: And, and Danny Boyle had done a few films obviously before this, but I think this was really put him onto the stratosphere of, of Hollywood and, and all the kinds of films he did.

Slumdog Millionaire after that. And then he did 127 hours. I mean, he's, he did the Olympics. I mean, he was pretty much, but this one put him on a global kind of

Pete: I think he was saying that, that the I, I've never read the book. I dunno if either you

Dan: I have. It's really good. And it's all Scottish, isn't it?

Pete: Oh, and yeah. Yeah. So, well, so the thing is, I don't, I don't read Scottish, so I don't, I

Sidey: I'd have to get it translated.

Pete: get it translated.

Yeah. But I think I was, I was reading something that was suggesting that. He, it wasn't a deliberate thing, but Renton ends up becoming the, the, like the main character in the film, which he isn't necessarily in the book purely because the voiceover element of it, so it's kind of narrated by him. But in the book it's far more kind of like balanced and not from like, you know, Brenton's perspective and so on.

But yeah, I'm sure it's a

Dan: a great. Oh, well, the book, the book is a great read. And I'd read the other one of well, he's done a few, but filth as well.

In the same kind of world, you know, he's, he's kept it in. It's really funny as well. A lot better than the a lot better than the film. But in this case, I think the film, as you say, I mean, the director has taken it in a different direction. He's not followed the book word for word, but he's, he's made a fucking banging film out of it.

Pete: yeah, I think,

Sidey: think,

Pete: nothing else to say, but still a strong recommend.

Dan: Yeah, smack it up.

Sidey: on.